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主演:Mekia·Cox 杰森·多灵 克里斯托弗·麦克唐纳 Kimberly·Leemans 杰瑞米·桑普特 Hollie·Stenson David·O'Donnell Rochelle·Aycoth 凯瑟琳·拉·纳莎 迈克尔·诺里 蒂姆·韦尔 Michael·Beasley 迈克尔·哈丁 吉莲·默瑞 J·Teddy·Garces 


📫 球逢对手/压迫剧情简介
THE SQUEEZE Augie Baccus, (early 20s), a common man of uncommon skills, living in a small Texas town is a winner in life...starting quarterback in football, leading scorer in basketball, fastest in track, etc. When Augie wins his one day City Golf Championship by 15 shots breaking his own course record, a dapper Southern gentleman gambler, Riverboat and his over-the-top bejeweled wife, Jessie, who are driving cross country in their blue Thunderbird from Mississippi to Las Vegas hear of this uncommonly gifted young golfer on local radio. Turning off the highway, Riverboat heads to the local muni course to find Augie and convinces him to abandon his dreams of qualifying for the PGA Tour, and come play for him in high-stake gambling matches. Augie's longtime girlfriend, Natalie, sassy, smart and take-no-prisoners is angered beyond tolerance as she watches Augie give up his dreams and compromise his integrity. Augie continues to win high stakes matches all across the state until they're finally run out of Texas. Riverboat and Augie head for Las Vegas where they play in even higher stakes matches until Augie finds himself pitted against a big-time Vegas gambler, Jimmy Diamonds, who has known connections to the mob. Augie continues to win every match until finally, Diamonds, fed up with the scam, breaks into Augie's hotel room and brutally informs him he's going to end up at the bottom of a swimming pool wearing lead boots if he doesn't lose the match the next day. Fearing for his life, Augie attempts to escape but is soon discovered by a very angry Riverboat who informs him he had better win the match the next day or he'll do the deadly deed himself. Thus our hero is caught in The Squeeze. Win or lose-either way, he's dead. Can this appealing young man escape the opposing forces of evil and win back his girl? Welcome to The Squeeze. It's Tin Cup meets The Sting with a dollop of Caddyshack.《球逢对手/压迫》球逢对手压迫是一部由Mekia·Cox,杰森·多灵,克里斯托弗·麦克唐纳,Kimberly·Leemans,杰瑞米·桑普特,Hollie·Stenson,David·O'Donnell,Rochelle·Aycoth,凯瑟琳·拉·纳莎,迈克尔·诺里,蒂姆·韦尔,Michael·Beasley,迈克尔·哈丁,吉莲·默瑞,J·Teddy·Garces等人主演,Terry·Jastrow导演的喜剧片电影,球逢对手/压迫于2015在美国地区上映。喜欢翠翠影视电影球逢对手/压迫,请一定要分享和收藏起来我们的网址,方便下次再来观看球逢对手/压迫。






老铁电影网网友:电影球逢对手/压迫 球逢对手压迫高清全集免费在线观看,主要讲述了THE SQUEEZE Augie Baccus, (early 20s), a common man of uncommon skills, living in a small Texas town is a winner in life...starting quarterback in football, leading scorer in basketball, fastest in track, etc. When Augie wins his one day City Golf Championship by 15 shots breaking his own course rec


腾讯视频网友:翠翠影视-《球逢对手/压迫》免费在线观看地址:https://www.jsccfs.com/vodhtml/152093.html,目前提供有 xunlei这几种方式观看和下载,球逢对手/压迫播出平台:翠翠影视、腾讯、爱奇艺、优酷。


优酷视频网友: 《球逢对手/压迫》球逢对手压迫是一部由实力派演员Mekia·Cox,杰森·多灵,克里斯托弗·麦克唐纳,Kimberly·Leemans,杰瑞米·桑普特,Hollie·Stenson,David·O'Donnell,Rochelle·Aycoth,凯瑟琳·拉·纳莎,迈克尔·诺里,蒂姆·韦尔,Michael·Beasley,迈克尔·哈丁,吉莲·默瑞,J·Teddy·Garces等人主演,由优秀导演Terry·Jastrow辛苦拍摄的喜剧片电影。


爱奇艺视频网友:喜剧片球逢对手/压迫播出时间是2015 年上映,详细日期可以去百度百科查一查,敬请关注!




喜剧片《球逢对手/压迫》于2015 在美国正式定档播出,由知名演员Mekia·Cox,杰森·多灵,克里斯托弗·麦克唐纳,Kimberly·Leemans,杰瑞米·桑普特,Hollie·Stenson,David·O'Donnell,Rochelle·Aycoth,凯瑟琳·拉·纳莎,迈克尔·诺里,蒂姆·韦尔,Michael·Beasley,迈克尔·哈丁,吉莲·默瑞,J·Teddy·Garces在持之以恒的努力下共同完成,《球逢对手/压迫》影片总能在各路演员的倾情演绎下使得观众总能更快的融入影片当中;《球逢对手/压迫》的剧情饱满环环相扣跌宕起伏,《球逢对手/压迫》是值得各位看客反复多次观看的影片,似乎每遍都能有新的解读,《球逢对手/压迫》广受好评是一部让许多影视爱好者保存与分享的佳作,《球逢对手/压迫》的人物设定切合影片主题,是一部引人深思,让人意犹未尽的作品,《球逢对手/压迫》总是能让人在快节奏的时代里慢下来享受这仅仅属于你的闲暇时间~



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